Ground Motion Characteristic of Lebak Earthquake January 23, 2018 on DKI Jakarta Region Muhammad Fikri Hayqal Hiola (a*), Bambang Sunardi (b*)
a) Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (STMKG)
jl. Perhubungan I no 5 Pondok Betung 15221 Tangerang Selatan
* hayqalfikri50[at]
* 085340943162
b) Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG)
* b.sunardi[at]
DKI Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a very high population density with the distribution of low to high buildings that cause many areas of Jakarta have a very high vulnerability to natural disasters one of which is the earthquake disaster. One of the earthquake felt this year is Lebak Banten Earthquake 23 January 2018 with magnitude 5.9 at 13.34 WIB. The depth of the quake is 51 Km at -7.09o LS - 106.03o BT (WebDC3 BMKG earthquake catalog) in the South Indian Ocean of Java Island. The epicenter was 43 km from Muarabinuangeun City, Wanasalam Sub-district, Lebak District, Banten. The authors make ground motion characteristics in Jakarta area using 3 component acceleration data at Jakarta City Hall Office (JAKO) and Tanjung Priok Maritime Station (JATA). Obtained from JAKO station processing the largest acceleration is found in component E of 0.07742 g in the period of 0.54 s while for the largest acceleration JATA station found in component N of 0.04572 g in the period of 0.58 s. The effective duration obtained at JAKO stations was 56.76 s and JATA station 63.47 s. It also proves that the further a region of the epicenter of the earthquake the greater the effective duration produced [1].
Topic: PHYS4 Physics of Earth and Space